2 posts

You should imagine your life as you wanted...

🤫The story I want to tell you may seem very simple but it is someone’s life story. in fact, I also heard this story from someone else. to be honest I can't remember that person right now. so one day when I got on the bus I greeted my friends. then we reached the city center .we had to take another bus to school. we also got on the second bus. it took half an hour. we got to school. the bell rang, the lesson began. The first lesson is mathematics. but I did not do my homework. I stand on the board as usual. Everyone is used to my situation and no one is surprised, not even the other students in the school. months went by in this way. I failed the exam 3 times in school but all my friends passed the exam with excellent...

The story

The story I want to tell you may seem very simple but it is someone’s life story. in fact, I also heard this story from someone else. to be honest I can't remember that person right now. so one day when I got on the bus I greeted my friends. then we reached the city center .we had to take another bus to school. we also got on the second bus. it took half an hour. we got to school. the bell rang, the lesson began. The first lesson is mathematics. but I did not do my homework. I stand on the board as usual. Everyone is used to my situation and no one is surprised, not even the other students in the school. months went by in this way. I failed the exam 3 times in school but all my friends passed the exam with excellent marks...