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Best Epoxy Resins for Wooden Countertops and River Tables

Your smaller planter should now fit snuggly into the mold you just made. I was really worried about having the resin leak down the sides or down the inside, so I taped around the top of the concrete so make sure the mood was snug, and then…I also clamped around the edges to doubly make sure that it was all tight! The last step is to put the inside of the mold back inside of the small planter. Make sure to push it down so that it is tight again. Now it’s time to mix your resin. Mix the EasyCasrt according to the directions on the package, making sure to mix it in one cup, and then transfer it to a second cup and mix again. I made 8oz (4 oz of part A and B), but I only needed about 4 oz total.