November 20, 2019

Castle 🏰

Index > Castle

Your Castle 🏰 represents your kingdom. You will be able to build more buildings as you increase in title in the game. Your first buildings are completed during the game tutorial. At the completion of the tutorial you will have your first row of buildings. Then you will build Defenses πŸ›‘ βšͺοΈπŸ”΅πŸ”΄ to protect your kingdom. The Court ⛲️ is connected to all three districts βšͺοΈπŸ”΅πŸ”΄.

With each Title 🎊 promotion, up to and including viscount/viscountess, you will be able to build a new row of buildings. Each building has a specific function in your kingdom.

Buildings are powered ⚜️ by the vassals πŸ‘₯ placed in them. You can build πŸ”¨ new πŸ†• buildings or expanded with the Builders 🧱 building and you may increase the efficiency of your buildings by upgrading πŸ”§ the level⭐️ using the Workshop πŸ›  (available at title 🎊 of Baron).

Each building has a series of buttons to move vassals πŸ‘₯. You can move vassals πŸ‘₯ individually with the move link found next to each vassal πŸ‘₯ or you can use one of several commands.

Bring- This will allow you to pick a single vassal πŸ‘₯ to move/swap into building. They will be sorted highest power ⚜️ to lowest factoring in bonuses from skills.


Move all- move all vassal πŸ‘₯ to a new building, moving most powerful ⚜️ first.

/move_(vassal_id)[building_id] /move_all_building1_id[building2_id]

Swap all- swap all vassals πŸ‘₯ from one building to another. Always moves highest power ⚜️ first.

/swap_(vassal_id) /swap(vassal1_id)_(vassal2_id)

Rally All-Summons your most powerful ⚜️ vassals πŸ‘₯ to this building, swapping for ones currently in the building. This ignores all locks


Rally unlocked - Functions like rally except that it will not move any vassals πŸ‘₯ from a building that is currently locked


Lock/Unlock -This is a toggle switch, when locked the building is ignored by the Rally unlocked command. Requires Expert option settings βš™οΈ turned on


Rally Talented - Does not rally from locked buildings. Rallies chained vassals πŸ‘₯. Rallies highest power ⚜️ vassals πŸ‘₯ with talents to the matching building.


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