November 20, 2019


Index > Castle > Defense

Vassals here protect this district from attacks and all vassals in buildings of this district from being seized or rescued."

Each defense 🛡 protects the other buildings in the same vertical column, district ⚪️🔵🔴, from raid 🔥, seize 💥, liberation 🗽, and rescue. The Court ⛲️ is connected to all three districts ⚪️🔵🔴.

White: /visit_1 Blue: /visit_2 Red: /visit_3

Building 🧱 bigger defenses🛡 and using the Workshop 🛠 to upgrade 🔧 the efficiency of your working vassals 👥 will increase the strength of your defense🛡 and make you more able to protect against attack ⚔️. The total strength of your defense 🛡 is determined by adding the total vassal 👥 power ⚜️ in the building plus 5 % of that power ⚜️ for every level ⭐️ upgrade from the Workshop 🛠.

If your defense 🛡 power ⚜️ is less than the attack strength🔱️ of your rivals👩🏻👨🏽 they will have an easy time raiding🔥 your gold 💰 and seizing 💥 your vassals 👥. Make it a priority to expand 🔨 your defenses 🛡 when you can. A good recommendation for the defenses 🛡 power ⚜️ is twice the power ⚜️ of your maximum attack strength🔱️, this is referred to as your Alpha attack.

When under attack you can heal 💖 your vassals 👥 in the defense🛡 in multiple ways. You can click defense🛡 in the main menu to heal 💖 the defenses🛡 independently or together, or you can heal💖 all the vassals 👥 in your kingdom at once by typing heal all.

/defense /heal_all

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