mobile app design

5 Effective Tips for UX Designers to Design Fintech Products

Nowadays users want fintech products to be as fast and convenient as other products they use. Being a UX Designer, I constantly think from the user’s perspective but I need to be even more vigilant about Fintech app UX design because users expect them to safeguard their privacy, security, and trust.

A Brief History of UX Design And The Future It Is Building

What is UX? How did it become this relevant? Was it always a part of the system even before the age of IT? What does the future hold? Being a UX designer, I always thought about these questions. So, to get the answers to these questions, I researched its history and what does future hold for it.

7 Psychology Theories in UX to Provide Better User Experience

UX design psychology is about knowing the user behaviour in different circumstances and interaction with products which varies for different scenarios. What is the relationship between Psychology and UX Design? I am going to unveil the answers in this blog. I’ll share my thoughts on the following two disciplines:

Push Notifications: How to add them to a Flutter App

One of the most efficient ways to engage customers with your app is the introduction of push notifications. Whether a person is using the app or not, push notifications will notify them about all the latest updates that your app offers. And if an app is created using Flutter this task becomes even easier. Using Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging platform, you can add push notifications to your app.