UX Design

Atomic Design: Effective Way of Designing UI

Hello people, I’m pretty sure that you might have heard the term “Atomic Design” at some point in your daily work life. If you haven’t heard about this beautiful concept yet, then let’s dive straight into what atomic design is and how it helps UI designers.

Ways for UX Design Iterations: Innovate Faster & Better

How many times did you fall off your bicycle as a kid, while learning? I'm very sure you couldn't ride across the street without toppling off your bicycle until you tried several times.

Factors that could impact conversion rate in UX Design

Conversion rate is the percentage of users who take the desired action. By the desired action, I mean the action you as a business owner want a user to take. The archetypical example of conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who buy something on the site.

Confirmation Bias and How Does it affect UX Research

Confirmation Bias, in general, is when people believe in what they think is right and do not listen to something that goes against that belief. This does limit our ability to seek out and uncover the truth. We come across confirmation bias in our day-to-day life, we might also have some beliefs that have been taught to us in our upbringing by our teachers or parents on certain things which might be incorrect information. When this information is disrupted by someone, confirmation bias is born.

Information Architecture in UX: To offer a Delightful and Meaningful User Experience

Have you ever wondered, why some websites seem to be so appealing to your eyes? The secret behind this is the melding of information architecture along with design. The better the organization of information, which includes structure, label, and design across all your digital products, the better will be the user experience.