7 posts

Schlumberger LTD (SLB) Holding Maintained by Rnc Capital Management Llc; Horseman Capital Management LTD Boosted Stake in Jpmorgan Chase & Co (JPM) by $585,800 as Stock Rose

Rnc Capital Management Llc increased its stake in Schlumberger Ltd (SLB) by 72.95% based on its latest 2019Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Rnc Capital Management Llc bought 240,688 shares as the company’s stock declined 11.46% while stock markets rallied. The institutional investor held 570,617 shares of the oilfield services and equipment company at the end of 2019Q1, valued at $24.86 million, up from 329,929 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Rnc Capital Management Llc who had been investing in Schlumberger Ltd for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $48.40B market cap company. The stock decreased 2.21% or $0.79 during the last trading session, reaching $34.94. About 8.96 million shares traded. Schlumberger...

Don’t Wait For iOS 13, Get iPhone Dark Mode With Unc0ver Jailbreak 3.2 Release

All the reports that touched on Apple's intro of iOS 13 have one thing in common - the focus is on the new feature Dark Mode that is touted as "a new dark color scheme that works system-wide and across all native apps. As most of the apps are No Jailbreak compatible, App valley don’t need any fancy software to play third party games on your iOS device.

Google Is Booting Marijuana Delivery Apps from the Google Play Store

On Wednesday, the Google Play store quietly updated its terms of service to prohibit marijuana delivery apps, or in its parlance, apps that assist users in “arranging delivery or pickup of marijuana” and apps that facilitate the “sale of products containing THC.”Apk Editor gives you the solution to showcase your creativity and you can make the customisation manually as you like the app to look and remain.

OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5T will get Android Q update, could be rolled out later this year

OnePlus has confirmed through its forum that the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T will receive the Android Q update later in the year. Appvn is an android app which is similar to the Google Store in Android and App Store in iOS. The OnePlus 6 series and OnePlus 7 series have been enrolled for the Android Android Q beta program.

The 5 best new apps to grab from the Play Store this week

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National postal service Poste Italiane tracking reported a 12 % year-on-year fall in first-quarter operating profit, due to lower capital gains from government bond sales and higher costs says Reuters.

Global X MSCI SuperDividend EAFE ETF (EFAS) Rises 0.06% for May 19

May 19 is a positive day so far for Global X MSCI SuperDividend EAFE ETF (EFAS) as the ETF is active during the day after gaining 0.06% to hit $15.47 per share. Poste Italiane tracking offers integrated communication, postal savings benefits, logistics as well as financial services throughout Italy. The exchange traded fund has 6.43M net assets and 0.39% volatility this month.