April 22, 2021

10 Golden Rules of Running from Alberto Salazar

Alberto Salazar has set a world record in marathon running. Won the Boston Marathon and three times the New York Marathon.

Alberto Salazar

1. Be consistent

Make a workout plan that you can stick to in the long run. If you can run four days a week (but every week!), You will get 90% the same results as if you were training 7 days a week.

2. Take Recovery Seriously

After a hard workout, be sure to do a recovery day. With no exceptions.

3. Increase the distance gradually

Do not increase your weekly running distance by more than 10% per month. No matter how good you feel, you don't know you overexerted until it's too late.

4. Run on the ground

Asphalt injures joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. The more often you can run on grass or ground, the better.

5. Run faster

If you want to run at a specific speed, you need to run at least short intervals at your target speed or faster.

6. Strengthen the whole body

Good runners develop their entire body. The work of the legs also depends on the strength of the hands. Strengthen your torso and core muscles with push-ups, pull-ups, abs, and back exercises. I do not recommend going to the gym.

7. Choose good shoes

The second most common cause of injury, right after running on hard surfaces, is foot pronation and poor support in running shoes. The more you run, the better your foot support should be.

8. Work on your running technique

Your every movement should move your body forward. If you swing your arms or take too wide strides, you lose momentum. Keep your body straight and let your front leg land directly below you.

9. Deal with doubts

Sometimes you will have to force yourself to run more and you will doubt yourself. Break through this state. Never think that you are weak in spirit.

10. Use new technologies

If you lack knowledge of running, then you will not be able to run well, or even hurt yourself. The Internet, phones with GPS navigation, advanced heart rate monitors - everything has already been done so that you can train competently. Use your accumulated knowledge and new technologies to improve your running.