Ingredientes: 1/2 cebolla. 1/2 pimiento verde 1 pechuga de pollo 2 zanahoria alcachofas 3 judías verdes Mejillones 5-7 5-6 almejas 3 cucharadas de aceite
Always happy to talk to Ruslan's nice parents. Waiting for August to see them again after 2+ years of covid restrictions, here in Finland.
Facepalming for the fact I kinda pay taxes so that they could talk to the world like that.
My maternity leave has officialy started this week (16th of May, 2022) and I can't be more happy about it, as it was getting a little bit hard to keep working as usually, with my hands and feet swollen and sometimes hurting pretty badly.
At the end of February I applied for a famous Baby Box from the Finnish government (Kela, state insurance agency). In about a month we received the box in our nearest K-market grocery store.
After mooving to Finland it seems like there's no other option than waste sorting.