Lydia Sergeeva
Блог о моей жизни в Финляндии. Очень весело и интересно.
10 posts

Paella recipe from Ruslan's mom

Ingredientes: 1/2 cebolla. 1/2 pimiento verde 1 pechuga de pollo 2 zanahoria alcachofas 3 judías verdes Mejillones 5-7 5-6 almejas 3 cucharadas de aceite

Breastfeeding master class

Always happy to talk to Ruslan's nice parents. Waiting for August to see them again after 2+ years of covid restrictions, here in Finland.

Disrespect as the basis of Russia's foreign policy

Facepalming for the fact I kinda pay taxes so that they could talk to the world like that.

The last month of my pregnancy

My maternity leave has officialy started this week (16th of May, 2022) and I can't be more happy about it, as it was getting a little bit hard to keep working as usually, with my hands and feet swollen and sometimes hurting pretty badly.

Finnish Baby Box, 2022

At the end of February I applied for a famous Baby Box from the Finnish government (Kela, state insurance agency). In about a month we received the box in our nearest K-market grocery store.

What to read: 09.2021

1. Медоуз Донелла. - Азбука системного мышления. - 2018.

60 kg

Always better than 63 or 65

Better late, than never

After mooving to Finland it seems like there's no other option than waste sorting.