Transfer from wallet to wallet
How to transfer coins using the console.
To make a transfer of crypto coins to the Minter network, only the recipient address is required. As an example, we will show the transfer of a MILLOR coin, where the commission is taken into account in a coin, equivalent to 0.01 BIP.
1. To translate, open the console page
2. Enter the recipient's wallet address
3. Select the coin you wish to transfer. In this example, it is a coin MILLOR
4. Next, the number of coins to transfer. If desired, you can insert text, for example, with a wish for the recipient, by clicking on "advanced mode"
5. And press the send button
6. In the window that appears, confirm the transfer of crypto assets from your balance
7. All operations are displayed in transactions on the wallet panel
On this, the cryptocurrency transfer is completed. Recipient's balance is replenished instantly. When transferring funds, we take into account the transaction fee in the amount of 0.01 bip. In the next article, we will describe in detail how to transfer coins to the Minter network using BIP Wallet Android and IOS.