CASHBACK (cash back) - a term that is used in the areas of online trading and banking as a bonus program to attract customers and increase their loyalty. Minter also encounters this term among projects created on the blockchain, where one or another product can be purchased with a BIP coin or a custom project coin.
Despite the difficult economic situation in the world, Minter continues its journey by listing the BIP coins on the fourth exchange. Popularization of Minter does not stand still, because movement is life, which is what the project team strives for. To invest in a BIP coin and take part in the project, you can use the method familiar to many crypto enthusiasts.
BIP + is a project developed by the BTC.Secure validator team and received an award within the MinterPush hackathon. is a coin explorer for the Minter ecosystem, an analog of CoinMarketCap, which provides advanced statistics on coins, as well as ratings and charts.
Explorer Minter is one of the basic services of the Minter blockchain. Represents information from circuit blocks and other general information about the network status in the form of graphs and text information.
Any custom coin of the Minter network with a CRR of not equal to 100% when delegated to the validator has a value different from the market one.
In the previous tutorial, we described a way to transfer coins using the web console. In this article, we will devote you to a transfer method using the Android and IOS wallet applications.
In the previous article, we looked at an example of delegation using the console. This material presents delegation using an Android mobile wallet or IOS.