Minter training
May 23, 2020

Custom coin.

Unlike other project blocks, Minter has the opportunity for each project participant to create their own coin. Using this coin is possible only in the Minter network.

When creating your own coin, you must consider that the characteristics are set personally by the user, i.e. you. Once the coin is released, it will not be possible to change the set characteristic. If there is a need to change the characteristic, the only option is to liquidate your coin and create a new one. Therefore, the creation of coins should approach the already prepared.

Most often the creators of coins are community, which have their own project. This may be a project that was created in Blockchain Minter, or an external project for public use. This is done to promote your brand not only on the external market, but also on the market of the Blockchain.

For creators of coins, the network Minter offers excellent conditions. Unlimited issue of custom coins is available. This procedure is called Perpetual Coin Offering (PCO), which differs from ICO in that the number of issued coins is not limited by the original issue.

Created Custom Coins can be used both as game currency, in the loyalty program, and as community rewards for certain actions.

Coins conform to the principle of PCO and have the following characteristics: clarity, predictability, liquidity, timelessness, independence.

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