3 posts

Is Honey a natural Cancer Vaccine?

Honey could be considered the most sustainable food produced naturally. It contains sugars, vitamins, minerals, and has high antioxidant activities. Cancer is on the rise in most countries. Carcinogenesis is a multi-step process and has multifactorial causes. Among these are low immune status, chronic infection, chronic inflammation, chronic non-healing ulcers, smoking, obesity, etc

What is Sidr Honey? Benefits, Uses, & Recipes

Everyone seems to be familiar with the fact that honey is extracted from the beehive, and the honey is created with the help of the nectar taken from flower buds or plants. Well, here’s something different from the norm - the Sidr tree is one of the plans the honey bees visit to provide us with delicious Sidr honey.

10 Incredible benefits of honey for women's health

Whenever there is a discussion around women health care or women’s health and wellness, honey emerges as a hero. Honey has found its place amongst the finest herbs and edible items that boast of high medicinal and nutritional value. It is not only a sweet and healthy alternative to sugar, but also acts as a cure for several ailments.