TestNet Guide
This group was created to post current testnets, whitelists, ambassador programs, raffles and more.
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Tea Testnet Guide - Step-by-step.

https://t.me/testnet_guide ◀️ JOIN OUR TG Tea is a decentralized protocol secured by reputation and incentives. It enhances the resilience and integrity of the open-source software supply chain, allowing open-source developers to receive the value they create without the need for trust.


Daren is the world's first AI-powered on-chain service marketplace. Accurately connecting top worldwide talent, enabling a quick and easy trading experience. Every transaction is secured by the decentralized trading system. Traditional Internet corporations' monopoly profit model will soon be replaced by a decentralized model based on ownership. Daren's business model will benefit consumers, service providers, invitees, and sharers all at once thanks to blockchain's transparency, fair incentive structure, and decentralized governance.

XION Testnet Guide - Step-by-Step.

XION is a modular L1 blockchain that will simplify the creation of consumer Web3 applications.

PROM - Testnet Guide Step-by-Step.

Community members, welcome to the Prom Testnet!

QnA3 — Referral Program + Ambassador Program step by step.

Unveiling the Capabilities of QnA3.AI: Artificial Intelligence in Modern Question and Answer Systems

$SOUL Drop by CARV — Step-by -step guide.

CARV Protocol consists of a self-sovereign identity (SSI) oracle and incentivized data-sharing protocol. It empowers users to share value captured from the utility of data in a content-based and privacy-preserving mechanism.

Layer X Early Access Guide — Step-by-step.

LayerX is an Ethereum Layer 2 solution imbued with native yield capabilities, seamlessly integrated with an omnichain interoperability protocol. It is designed to function as a versatile Layer 2 platform for various blockchains.

Axiom Testnet Guide - Step-by-step.

Axiom lets smart contracts perform calculations on the entire history of Ethereum transactions. Developers can submit trustless blockchain queries to Axiom, and the ZK-verified results are sent in a callback to the developer's smart contract. This allows developers to build applications on the blockchain that access more data at a lower cost without additional trust checks.

Fuel Beta-4 Testnet Guide - Step-by-step.

Fuel v1 began as a layer-2 (L2) scalability technology for a monolithic Ethereum. It was the first optimistic rollup on mainnet Ethereum, deployed at the end of 2020. Today, Fuel is the fastest modular execution layer. Fuel delivers the highest security and flexible throughput, with a focus on a superior developer experience.

GRVT — Phase 1: Unveiling an Exciting Trader Incentive Program.

GRVT, a hybrid crypto derivatives exchange (HEX), embarks on an exhilarating journey, revealing an incentive program that appeals to both experienced traders and newcomers. This program introduces a three-phase journey, promising rewards and the opportunity to be part of an innovative process.

SoSo Value Potential Airdrop Guide - Step-by-step.

Heads up, crypto enthusiasts! 🚨 If you’re passionate about value and eager to boost your SoSo EXP, now’s the time to dive into the action! 🪂✨