369 posts

Vechain thor price prediction

VeChain Value Analysis: Value Continues to go Downside, Latitude 28 collaboration might help the currency

Is Cardano The Best Cryptocurrency To Invest In?

Bitcoin has been underperforming in the market over the past few weeks. On watching the cryptocurrency markets closely, a new paradigm is spotted to be emerging. Bitcoin is losing steam. At the same time, other crypto tokens are bottoming out. One coin that has grabbed everyone’s attention is Cardano.

Bittrex Mixes Up a User’s Funds, Causes a Wildfire In The Community

Bittrex, a US-based cryptocurrency exchange platform, has been under some criticism and hate recently due to mixing up between Cryptos, namely Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV) for a particular user who claims that his money has been taken from him and not returned back. While all this happens on a daily basis to someone or the other in this crypto market of ambiguity and illusions, this post blew up to mainstream levels and has garnered the attention of everyone.

Is The Crypto Surge Here To Stay?

After all the drops during November, Cryptocurrency has been climbing up the market exponentially recently and there are numerous speculations being made on how long this period will last.

Cryptocurrency Prices Hike, Analysts Hopeful For Its Future

According to data provided by Coin360 on Wednesday, June 12 top cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), and ripple (XRP) were all in the green. Cryptocurrencies, on the whole, were trending up on June 12. In May 2019, BTC that had peaked around $9000 crashed down to under $8000, however, it seems to be recovering slowly. It traded around $8000 on June 12 and is now trading at $8210.02.

Dogecoin’s Analysis: Moving towards Bullish or Bearish?

The cryptocurrency market is in recovery mode and the values of the currencies are gaining bullish trends back. The cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin SV, Tron, and VeChain is also gaining momentum.

Tron’s Price Spike Up By a Great Margin Due to Another Bold Tactic

Tron TRX is a decentralized and blockchain based cryptocurrency which is one of the major cryptos in the market right now. It had established its own Blockchain only recently in June 2018 and has celebrated that day as TRON Independence Day. But, Tron isn’t known only for only celebrating major but many minor ones. Justin Sun, the CEO of Tron is known for blowing things out of proportion many times. Let us see what have they done this time.

Coinbase Research Report on Bitcoin Cash Miners 51% Attack

Recently on the Blockchain of Bitcoin Cash two miners had performed the 51% attack on the blockchain of BCH and it happened under everyone’s noses. This type of attack is supposed to be harmful to any blockchain’s activity.

Coinbase wallet adding Dogecoin was a surprise to me, says Co-founders of Dogecoin

Taking the Meme culture to another level, Billy Markus & Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin, a Litecoin Hardfork, designed to be approachable and less complicated cryptocurrency. The joke coin turned out to be a massive hit since its inception.

Dogecoin partnership with Trippki: More Chances for Bullish Movement

Dogecoin is gaining so much popularity since it was launched. Yesterday the reports published about Dogecoin, that one of the leading cryptocurrency exchange’ is adding Dogecoin into their wallet. It is a massive success for Dogecoin in the cryptocurrency market.