Boris Kurbatov
6 posts

Senior C# Developer в IBS

Rise Management Trainee Program в Coca-Cola

— Coca-Сola HBC's Rise Management Trainee Program is a job, not an internship

Стажер в отдел экономического планирования в СИБУР


(Junior) FICC Capital Markets Sales в Raiffeisenbank

Capital Markets Sales-Trading desk is looking for a prominent enthusiast with deep product knowledge (of financial instruments) and excellent communications skills to help develop and grow active customer base in core capital markets product areas: derivatives (vanilla, options, structures), securities trading (bonds and equities), prime-brokerage, eFX. You will be able to participate as client and product expert in creating and promoting state-of-art E-Trading solutions and platforms for clients with support of in-house developers and professional quants teams with clear focus on PnL and active client base growth.

(Junior) FICC Capital Markets Sales в Reiffeisenbank

Capital Markets Sales-Trading desk is looking for a prominent enthusiast with deep product knowledge (of financial instruments) and excellent communications skills to help develop and grow active customer base in core capital markets product areas: derivatives (vanilla, options, structures), securities trading (bonds and equities), prime-brokerage, eFX. You will be able to participate as client and product expert in creating and promoting state-of-art E-Trading solutions and platforms for clients with support of in-house developers and professional quants teams with clear focus on PnL and active client base growth.

Cтажер в отдел инноваций в FM Logistic
