7 posts

Как с помощью сквозной аналитики Roistat за год увеличить прибыль в 3 раза,ROI до 392%. Сократив расходы на рекламу.

Привет! Меня зовут Виталий Кабышев. Я руководитель направления e-commerce в компании «Медицинские системы и технологии». В этом кейсе расскажу, как мы изменили подход к маркетингу компании и как теперь рассчитываем возврат инвестиций в рекламу ещё на старте работ.

TARGET: How Not To Lose Millions?

Targeting is a platform for making mistakes and getting them right. Anyone who, after a couple of «failures», gives up, immediately loses the audience of famous messengers. What helps not to make mistakes?

Case №5. Promotion of an online school on sugar and waffle flowers

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Online school on sugar and waffle flowers TASK:Development of a sales strategy for the school's products, attracting new clients.

Case №3. Online store Planet of Games (Ukraine) https://planeta-igr.com

The task - to provide an increase in sales of the online store of board games through the launch of targeted advertising.

Case №2. Niche psychology. 1,350,000 rubles from the launch of the self-esteem course

The expert is Tatiana Dangeli, psychologist, coach and expert on improving the quality of life.