Привет! Меня зовут Виталий Кабышев. Я руководитель направления e-commerce в компании «Медицинские системы и технологии». В этом кейсе расскажу, как мы изменили подход к маркетингу компании и как теперь рассчитываем возврат инвестиций в рекламу ещё на старте работ.
Targeting is a platform for making mistakes and getting them right. Anyone who, after a couple of «failures», gives up, immediately loses the audience of famous messengers. What helps not to make mistakes?
ABOUT THE PROJECT: Online school on sugar and waffle flowers TASK:Development of a sales strategy for the school's products, attracting new clients.
Case №6. Promoting an investment expert and his course
The task - to provide an increase in sales of the online store of board games through the launch of targeted advertising.
The expert is Tatiana Dangeli, psychologist, coach and expert on improving the quality of life.