8 posts

Web2.0 & Web3.0: parallels and differences

Hm! Let's see!

Decentralization and WEB3: A new era of protection from sanctions...

Benefits of decentralization and WEB3 for users Decentralization is the process by which power and control is distributed among network participants rather than concentrated in the hands of a centralized organization. Instead of entrusting their data, tools, and communication to centralized companies and organizations, users can use decentralized platforms and tools that provide a higher level of privacy, security, and freedom.

A little something to share about feels: 17.04, 17:04

→ → Both of them create their work in the style of abstract minimalism, geometry, lines. I love this approach, because in the least use of details there is a lot of meaning and emotion, it's what makes you look and think. Talking to and watching them is having some positive effects on me at this time in my life, i have started to look at some things a little differently. It's not always possible to appreciate the path one takes because you never see the end of it, but all i can say right now is that it feels right. → As far as i have seen he has not yet managed to create his own site, but maintains several channels...

Interview: creator of the illuvium marketplace

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Top best AI in recent times

1. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) from OpenAI - one of the most powerful artificial intelligences for text generation.

Challenges of On-Chain Gaming  

There's a reason why most games aren't online games on a chain: they're riddled with problems that force developers and players to operate under strict technical constraints and deal with difficult user experiences.

Why Web2 is dying and it's inevitable: artists

Modern artists in the Web2 era often have to face a number of difficulties. One of the main problems is the dependence on intermediate mediators - online galleries, auctions, etc. - who charge a commission for each sale, set the rules and control the distribution process.

$INT Integer: dialogue with the founder

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