December 3, 2019

Garrison πŸ“― & Train πŸ—‘

Index > Vassals > Train

Index > Castle > Garrison

Vassals here can πŸ—‘β€train your vassals so their ⚜️power grows. Also, if a vassal in any defenses is seized, the strongest recruitable vassal here immediately steps in as replacement."

The Garrison πŸ“― is in the white district βšͺ️. Once you build 🧱 the Garrison πŸ“―, you can give the Orders πŸ“œ to train πŸ—‘β€ your Non Playing Character πŸ‘€ (NPC) vassals πŸ‘₯. Training πŸ—‘β€ will add 1 power ⚜️ point to an NPC πŸ‘€. You can initiate training πŸ—‘β€ from the OrderπŸ“œ menu, the Garrison πŸ“―, or a vassals πŸ‘₯ view id. You cannot trainπŸ—‘β€ a vassal πŸ‘₯ past the maximum power ⚜️ of its current title 🎊. To promote a NPC πŸ‘€ you must consign to it.

The highest power ⚜️ vassal πŸ‘₯ in Garrison πŸ“― will replace a vassal πŸ‘₯ from the Defense πŸ›‘ if a vassal πŸ‘₯ is trapped πŸ•³ or seize d πŸ’₯ from your defense πŸ›‘ by a rival πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸ½.

/visit_7  /train  /train_stop

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