On Chain Investor
32 posts

DuskBreakers: NFT saga with P2E and blasters

In these challenging market times, only those projects that really develop their product will survive. So today, let's look at DuskBreakers - a project that has already run its game launcher and sold the first NFT collection but is still in the early stage.

Start the Odyssey in 3, 2, 1...

Hi! Probably you know that tomorrow will start the Arbitrum Odyssey event. ALL channels and influencers recommend participating for a generous airdrop and additional bonuses. We also say - do not skip it. Despite the length and number of projects involved in the Odyssey, it's still:

Memoversre Review: the most memorable P2E in living memory

So, crypto guys, how many wallets did you lose forever because of a forgot your seed phrase? And how many screenshots and pan notes do you make to not lose more wallets? And all because your memory is not as good as you need.

Infini Gods: hidden gem or another one-day P2E?

We always select Tier-1 projects for review, even if it's just another shooter or RPG on the blockchain. But it is not always possible to mark the P2E-project as a "scam" or "gem": some have weak tokenomics, some have a good idea with a bad realization, and sometimes the project's team does not inspire confidence.

Crypto Investor Guide | How to Liquidity Pools pt 2: practice it with Unicorn

Do you miss our lessons? Last week we analyzed how the liquidity pools work and how to earn with them. It needs reminding that liquidity providers can receive a part of the transaction fees from a pool.

P2E space saga: PlanetQuest overview

We still rarely see high-level P2E Space projects, but we found a really promised one today. PlanetQuest is an open-world AAA game focused on exploring, owning, and managing the planet. The project combines various game genres and mechanics, offering a vast and unique universe with a potential strong gaming community. So let's look under the cover?

Crypto Investor Guide | How to: Liquidity Pools

We are going deeper into cryptocurrencies' financial and technical principles with each new lesson. Today, we will talk about liquidity and Liquidity pools and how to earn with it. LP it's the key to understanding how DEX works, so you must get it.

How to DEX: 6 decentralized exchanges to swap crypto

Hello! Last time, we explored top CEX, which allows you easily convert fiat into crypto and trade with high liquidity. However, trading fees, verification, and the CEX power to freeze transactions annoy many crypto enthusiasts who prefer to buy stablecoins and go to swap on DEX.

Meet the Unfettered: Darksouls with NFT and P2E

After the sugary-bright and primitive P2E with a mechanic such as "swipe to win", sometimes we want to run a brutal action with blood, undead, and dungeons. But we also don't want to lose our tokens, NFT, land, and other profit sources.

Civitas review: ready to play Civilization on the Ethereum blockchain?

The P2E-startups level is constantly growing, and it's really great. Although most projects have not been realized yet, their concepts are already flying "to the Moon". Today, we see Civitas as another candidate for the Tier 1 P2E AAA class (sounds like a type of character in MMORPG).