Welcome, folks, to Lesson 8 of the Swing Trading module. This is the Million Dollar Swing Setup.
Welcome back, folks. This is lesson six of the February 2017 ICT Mentorship. Swing trading is our topic for this month. This teaching is going to focus on reducing risk and maximizing potential reward swing setups.
Welcome to lesson seven, folks. In this swing trading model, this teaching is going to cover the keys to selecting markets that will move explosively.
Welcome back, folks. This is lesson five of February 2017's ICT Mentorship, teaching swing trading. This discussion is going to be on high probability swing trade setups in bear markets.
Literature review on financial technology and competition for banking services
Когда в 2012 году скончалась моя мама, отец начал стремительно худеть, и нам с братом пришлось разбираться со счетами и финансами моих родителей.
Sure, I'll align the text to make it more readable:
Okay, folks, we're looking at lesson three for the February 2017 content for the ICT mentorship. We're dealing specifically with classic swing trading approach. When defining market conditions, we think in terms of where the price can reach for both in an upward and downward direction. This is the foundation to determining likely market direction.
Welcome back folks, this is February 2017, Swing Trading Lesson Number Two: "The Elements to Successful Swing Trading."
Welcome back, folks. This is February 2017, Lesson One: Swing Trading.